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The On Button was awarded Angie's List Super Service Awards for 2013 & 2014! Thank you to our wonderful clients, it has been a pleasure helping you!
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Computer virus: "...very quick response to my call regarding a virus on my computer... professional and very knowledgable... we will be recommending TheONbutton to my friends." Lynn, Hillsborough NC

Apple Mac computer training: "Neil's prompt service and vast knowledge of computers has been a godsend. At this point I can't imagine life without him!" Margaret, Chapel Hill NC

Computer issue troubleshooting: "Excellent response to issues dealing with the home computer. All problems were solved and his explanations were easily understood." Jane, Durham NC

Laptop memory upgrade: "Punctual and very effective service! Highly recommend." Mike, Chapel Hill, NC

Computer performance tune-up: "I had the good fortune of finding TheONbutton. Neil was prompt, friendly, knowledgeable, fast, efficient, and affordable. I give him my highest recommendation!" Sean, Durham NC

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Wireless Internet connection problem: "Neil got our wireless router and modem going again that Time Warner and TP Link help desks had struggled with. We will definitely use the TheONbutton again should problems arise." Jeff, Durham NC

Computer virus: "...very quick response to my call regarding a virus on my computer...professional and very knowledgable...we will be recommending TheONbutton to my friends." Lynn, Hillsborough NC

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Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton

What is Remote Help?

You might be far away, or spend too much time being IT support for family members, or maybe you live around Durham, Chapel Hill or Raleigh and just don't want to get out of your pyjamas. But you need IT support. We can now connect to your computer remotely to support you wherever you are. Regular clients can even opt to have support work done when they're away from their computer. It's the ultimate in convenience and minimizes downtime.

How does Remote Help work?

We use state of the art remote connectivity software called Citrix GoToManage from industry leader Citrix, which is safe, secure and takes just moments to set up. You have the option to stay on the phone with us during the remote support session and watch what we're doing, or go and enjoy some free time instead.

What can I use Remote Help for?

Remote Help is available for Mac and PC owners and is perfect for training, troubleshooting, software installations & upgrades, computer performance tune-ups, iPhone & iPad software updates, you name it! Use Remote Help for a lesson at work on Microsoft Excel, or to get yourself set up on Facebook and LinkedIn, or to learn how to use your Mac if you just switched from a PC.

So take this opportunity to get more out of your computer, reclaim your free time and do more of what you want to do. Remote Help from TheONbutton is just a phone call away!

Neil Berman, Helper-in-Chief, TheONbutton

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    Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton - TheONbutton tech blog - Computer & Technology Help in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh NC at home & work. HIPAA EMR installation, HIPAA auditing.
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    Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton - TheONbutton tech blog - Computer & Technology Help in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh NC at home & work. HIPAA EMR installation, HIPAA auditing.
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    Response: 风电塔筒清洗
     第6子李愔,贞观五年,封梁王,十年,改封 高空维修公司 蜀王、益州都督。野猎无度,不避禾稼,深为百姓所怨,多次为非作歹,是个游荡公子,太宗怒曰:“禽兽调伏,能够驯扰于人;铁石镌炼,可 电缆沟堵漏 为方圆之器。至如愔者,曾不如禽兽铁石乎!”贬为虢州刺史。高宗永徽四年,李愔被废为庶人,死于流配地巴州。 《旧唐书》的作者谈及太宗诸子,高空维修公司,感慨道:“后辈作藩,盘石维城。骄侈取败,电缆沟堵漏,身无令名!”  第10子李慎,贞观五年,封申王,十年,改封纪王。固然聪慧好学,惋惜 风电塔筒防腐 是个脆弱无能的懦夫。越
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    Response: 水泥库清灰
    唐太宗李世民, 风机塔筒标志施工 隋文帝开皇十八年十仲春二十二日(599年1月23日)诞生在今陕西武功的李家旧宅。他4岁那年,家里来了一位自称会相面的书生 电缆沟堵漏 ,对其父李渊说:“公,朱紫也,风机塔筒标志施工,且有贵子。”当见到李世民自己时,电缆沟堵漏,竟说:“龙凤之姿,天日之表,年将二十,必能济世安民矣。”李渊便采“济世安民”之义为儿子取名曰“世民”。唐太宗不仅是唐朝最富盛 高空建筑公司 名的皇帝,也是中国历史上最有名的帝王之一。他在位的贞观时期,成为后代艳称的一代兵荒马乱,太宗也因此被称为一代“明主”、“英主”。 名君事功:贞
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    有人说,成长是残酷的。16年来,我们一直在成长的路上奋力前行。而17岁的我们,却像一群迷了路的 复合板机 萤火虫,泛着自己微弱的光,妄想点亮整个世界。我们长着犄角,四处碰壁,却不甘沉沦。   曾 压瓦机|止水板|c型钢机|彩钢瓦设备|角驰压型机|双层压瓦机|数控复合板流水线_金利压瓦机械厂 几何时,我向父母大喊:"我的事不用你们管。";曾几何时,我在朋友的面前说:你说的只有傻子才会信,我才不会相信你呢。"我宁愿一个人呆在那个阴暗潮湿找不到一丝阳光的角落里,任由自己的伤口慢慢溃烂。   17岁,一个佯装成熟的季节。   17岁的我,不再是那个两个棒棒糖就能哄得"咯咯"直笑的女
  • Response
    Response: 压瓦机
    其实,承认喜欢一个人是真的需要很大的勇气,也是一件很不容易的事,而现在的我,在也不 螺纹塞规 会说喜欢谁的话语,成长到筋疲力尽。   是不是,越是寂寞的人,越喜欢天天把自己伪装成最不寂寞的那个人,QQ全天在线,好像有聊 压瓦机|止水板|c型钢机|彩钢瓦设备|角驰压型机|双层压瓦机|数控复合板流水线_金利压瓦机械厂 不完的话题,电话二十四小时开机,好像深夜都会有人惦记,好怕漏接任何的电话,喜欢加好多的群,在群里可能是最活跃的一个,却总是会突然屏蔽所有的群....啊,是了,这样的人,都很寂寞呢。   我就像一只趴在玻璃上的苍蝇,明明前途一片光明,却找不到出路。茫然的不停撞上光华,直到死 亡
  • Response
    Response: 天沟地槽机
    1.我用你管我啊!(他不爱你干嘛管你?为什么管你的是他而不是别人? 压瓦机 ) 2.我有个异性朋友而已,别这么小心眼。(可悲的告诉你,男女朋友都是从普通朋友 私权之战 生级成的而且你和异性朋友交往时他可能都没把你当有夫之妇,甚至你都没告诉他你有老公吧,压瓦机?你只是陶醉这种被几个男人宠爱的感觉吧,私权之战?你看到了吗?你的老公为了你,别说和女的聊天了,就连多看一眼女的都不可能。难道就因为女的小心眼,男的必须大度,活该戴绿帽子?) 3.我讨厌你,离我远点。(你既然讨厌干嘛还在一起?爱是 高考志愿填报注意五大误区 追求热门容易撞车 一个相互包容的过程
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    Response: 压瓦机
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    Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton - TheONbutton tech blog - Computer & Technology Help in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh NC at home & work. HIPAA EMR installation, HIPAA auditing.
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    Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton - TheONbutton tech blog - Computer & Technology Help in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh NC at home & work. HIPAA EMR installation, HIPAA auditing.
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    Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton - TheONbutton tech blog - Computer & Technology Help in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh NC at home & work. HIPAA EMR installation, HIPAA auditing.
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    Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton - TheONbutton tech blog - Computer & Technology Help in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh NC at home & work. HIPAA EMR installation, HIPAA auditing.
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    Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton - TheONbutton tech blog - Computer & Technology Help in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh NC at home & work. HIPAA EMR installation, HIPAA auditing.
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    Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton - TheONbutton tech blog - Computer & Technology Help in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh NC at home & work. HIPAA EMR installation, HIPAA auditing.
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    Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton - TheONbutton tech blog - Computer & Technology Help in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh NC at home & work. HIPAA EMR installation, HIPAA auditing.
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    Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton - TheONbutton tech blog - Computer & Technology Help in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh NC at home & work. HIPAA EMR installation, HIPAA auditing.
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    Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton - TheONbutton tech blog - Computer & Technology Help in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh NC at home & work. HIPAA EMR installation, HIPAA auditing.
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    Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton - TheONbutton tech blog - Computer & Technology Help in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh NC at home & work. HIPAA EMR installation, HIPAA auditing.
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    Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton - TheONbutton tech blog - Computer & Technology Help in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh NC at home & work. HIPAA EMR installation, HIPAA auditing.
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    Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton - TheONbutton tech blog - Computer & Technology Help in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh NC at home & work. HIPAA EMR installation, HIPAA auditing.
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    Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton - TheONbutton tech blog - Computer & Technology Help in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh NC at home & work. HIPAA EMR installation, HIPAA auditing.
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    Response: 止水板
    压瓦机的安装,天沟地槽机 1)压瓦机的高空散装法 高空散装法是指将小拼单元 压瓦机 或散件(单根杆件及单个节点)直接 天沟地槽机 在设计位置进行总拼的方法。 高空散装法有全支架(即满堂脚手架)法和悬挑法两种。全支架法多用于散件拼装,而悬挑法则多用于小单元在高空总拼情况。 由于散件在高空拼装,无需用大型的起重设备,但由于搭设大规模的拼装支架,需用大量的脚手材料。 2)分条或分块安装法 分条或分块安 压瓦机 装法是指将网架分成条状或块状单元分别由起重设备吊装至高空设计位置就位搁置,然后再成整体的安装
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    Remote Help IT support from TheONbutton - TheONbutton tech blog - Computer & Technology Help in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh NC at home & work. HIPAA EMR installation, HIPAA auditing.
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